I have a permanently mounted APRS system in N2CQ, my Glasair Sportsman. You can track where I have been by clicking on the link. The website that I use retains my tracks for up to the past 10 days.


What is APRS (Automatic Position Reporting System)

APRS is a real-time tactical digital communications protocol for exchanging information between many stations covering a large (local) area. As a multi-user data network, it is quite different from conventional packet radio.

APRS is different from regular packet in four ways. First by the integration of maps and other data displays to organize and display data, second, by using a one-to-many protocol to update everyone in real time, third, by using generic digipeating so that prior knowledge of the network is not required, AND FORTH, since 1997, a worldwide transparent internet backbone, linking everyone worldwide. APRS turns packet radio into a real-time tactical communications and display system for emergencies and public service applications (and global communications). Normal packet radio has only shown usefulness in passing bulk message traffic (Email) from point to point. It has been difficult to apply conventional packet to real time events where information has a very short life time and needs to get to everyone.